IMS Marine Analytical & Plasma Analytical Laboratories

Located within the Earth & Marine Sciences Building, the Marine Analytical Laboratories is an open-access, multi-user core facility operated by the Institute of Marine Sciences with support from the UCSC Division of Physical and Biological Sciences. The facility is distributed into two individual service labs, which are designated as the Plasma Analytical Lab (PAL) and the Marine Analytical Lab (MAL). Within this central lab complex, scientific instrumentation and equipment support research in marine chemistry, environmental toxicology, marine biology, and geology. Analytical instrumentation, instruction in the use of equipment, consultation in experimental design, sampling, analysis, and data interpretation, and general assistance in all aspects of analytical science are provided by the lab manager, Brian Dreyer. The facility is available to the UCSC and University of California research community, and also welcomes external researchers and collaborations. The labs also frequently host projects in undergraduate courses in Chemistry (Instrumental Analysis), Ocean Sciences (Field and Laboratory Methods in Coastal and Aquatic Science), and Earth and Planetary Sciences (Practical Geochemistry).


For inquiries, please contact the Lab Manager, Dr. Brian Dreyer.