Paleoceanography, Paleoclimatology and Global Environmental Climate

Climate exerts a powerful influence on the diversity and organization of continental and marine ecosystems. Some researchers in this cluster investigate the big picture of Earth's marine and terrestrial history, past climates, and biogeochemical environments. The ocean drilling program, which began in 1968, and the recovery of thousands of feet of core from the deep-sea floor throughout the world oceans has provided much of the research material for many of these scientists. They develop tools and procedures that are used to investigate the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the seafloor or preserved sediments on continents that contain the store of Earth's historical record. These past records are used to understand the mechanisms of historical ocean-circulation patterns, global climate changes, past carbon and nutrient cycles, and the subsequent variations in Earth's floral and faunal populations.

Paleoceanography involves not only the consideration of traditional disciplines, such as sedimentary geology and paleontology, but also includes newer approaches, such as elemental and isotopic analysis and modeling of the Earth's systems including future climate. With this knowledge, more recent human influences on global climate change can be better understood, and insight is gained into the global carbon cycle and biosphere changes, including extinction events and how the Earth’s climate may change in the future.

There is also another group of scientists within this cluster who work on modern climate and global environmental change, with research ranging from observations and drilling into the Antarctic ice sheets to understand their mechanics, flow and how they are responding to climate change; to ocean observation and circulation, and how changes in circulation affect pelagic ecosystems; air-sea interactions, coastal oceanography and ocean prediction; and experimental and observational atmospheric chemistry.

Faculty (Professors and Adjuncts) and Professional Researchers affiliated with the Paleoceanography, Paleoclimatology and Global Environmental Change Cluster Group:

Patrick Chuang, Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences: Interactions among aerosols, clouds and climate, using both field and laboratory experiments and observations as well as computer models.

Matthew Clapham, Associate Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences: Paleobiology, geobiology.

Margaret Delaney, Professor of Ocean Sciences, Vice Chancellor of Planning and Budget:  Paleoceanography; marine geochemistry.

Chris Edwards, Professor of Ocean Science: Physical oceanography, geophysical fluid dynamics, ocean ecosystem dynamics and ocean observing systems.

Paul Koch, Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences: Isotope geochemistry, paleobiology and ecology.

Andrew Moore,  Professor of Ocean Sciences: Ocean dynamics, numerical modeling and data assimilation, coastal oceanography, tropical air-sea interaction and tropical climate variability, ocean prediction and predictability.

Adina Paytan,  Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences: Biogeochemistry, paleoceanography, environmental and aquatic chemistry.

Ana Christina Ravelo, Chair and Professor of Ocean Sciences: Stable isotope geochemistry and chemical oceanography, paleoclimatology.

Slawek Tulaczyk,  Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences: Ice sheets and glaciers as dynamic features interacting with geologic, hydrologic and climatic processes on different timescales; glaciological work on the recent behavior of the West Antarctic ice sheet.

James Zachos,  Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences: Paleoceanography, marine stratigraphy