IMS Affiliated Faculty

Faculty are hired by their respective departments, to which they owe primary responsibility; however, the institute continues to be involved in the identification of hiring and faculty needs of the cross-disciplinary marine program through active involvement in new faculty searches and in support of departmental recommendations. Affiliated faculty and researchers are those individuals that utilize any of the ORU’s resources (space, seawater, equipment, etc) and/or individuals whose research falls within one of the seven research clusters supported by IMS. IMS only appoints affiliates in the ORU based on the individual researchers request to be associated with the ORU.
Carl H Lamborg
  • Pronouns he, him, his, his, himself
  • Title
    • Professor
  • Division Physical & Biological Sciences Division
  • Department
    • Ocean Sciences Department
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Website
  • Office Location
    • Earth & Marine Sciences, A442
    • Lab, E&MS C558
  • Mail Stop Ocean Sciences
  • Mailing Address
    • Ocean Sciences, 1156 High St
    • Santa Cruz CA 95064
  • Faculty Areas of Expertise Oceanography, Marine Sciences, Pollution, Geochemistry
  • Courses OS 01, OS 120, OS 150, OS 213, OS 250
  • Advisees, Grad Students, Researchers , , Marissa Despins

Summary of Expertise

Aquatic and atmospheric chemistry, trace metal (esp. mercury) biogeochemistry, chemical oceanography.



Research Interests

The biogeochemistry of mercury in the ocean, land and a variety of time and space scales.

Biography, Education and Training


Oberlin College.  Bachelor of Arts - Chemistry, 1986

University of Michigan.  Master of Science - Environmental Chemistry, 1992

University of Connecticut.  Doctor of Philosophy – Oceanography (Chemical), 2003


Professional Experience

1986-1990: Research Assistant II, Harvard University, Harvard Sch. of Public Health, Depart. of Environmental Monitoring and Exposure Assessment.

1990-1992: Graduate Research Assistant, The Univ. of Michigan, Sch. of Public Health, Depart. of Environmental Health Sciences.

1992-1996:  Research Assistant II, The Univ. of Connecticut, Depart. of Marine Sciences.

1996-2003:  Graduate Research Assistant, The Univ. of Connecticut, Dept. of Marine Sciences.

2003-2006: Post-doctoral Scholar/Investigator, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Dept. of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry.

2006-2010: Assistant Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Dept. of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry.

2010-2014: Associate Scientist w/o Tenure, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Dept. of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry.

2014-current: Assistant/Associate/Full Professor, University of California, Santa Cruz, Dept. of Ocean Sciences.


Teaching Interests

The Oceans (OS 01)

Aquatic Chemistry (OS 120)

Field and Lab Methods in Aquatic Science (OS 150/250)

Topics in Marine Geochemistry (OS 290C) - Metallomics/Low Oxygen