Non-Governmental Organizations
The Nature Conservancy, Marine Initiative
TNC’s Marine Initiative is based in the Center for Ocean Health at the Coastal Sciences Campus, and has a mission to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends. The programs at UCSC involve researchers, postdocs, and graduate students and are focused on developing new approaches for reducing ecological and social vulnerability particularly as they relate to sea-level rise and climate adaptation.
Island Conservation
The mission of Island Conservation is to prevent extinctions by removing invasive species from islands. Of the 245 recorded animal extinctions since 1500, 80% were on islands and invasive species were responsible for over half of these. Island Conservation prevents extinctions by working where the concentration of both biodiversity and species extinction is the greatest—islands. Removing a primary threat—introduced invasive vertebrates—has proven to be one of the most critical interventions for saving threatened plans and animals and restoring island ecosystems and health. Island Conservation has long been affiliated with the Institute of Marine Sciences and works collaboratively with IMS faculty, researchers and students.